Loving What Is

Accepting life as it is and not what we want it to be can be one of our greatest challenges but also one of the greatest opportunities for expansion and growth.

Our ego feels the need to control our life through every encounter, experience and interaction we face when in reality the better we are at regulating our physical and emotional states the less reactive we become to the situation and circumstances whirling around us.

Do you ever notice yourself reacting in a way that is emotionally out of control to a situation you have no control over? Wouldn't it be easier to just let things go as the way they pan out instead of fueling the fire and creating more chaos? Even amid what life brings us we can always find peace. According to David Simon, when we let go of the need to contribute and control our life and influence others, the greater the peace we will feel.

Our attachments to people, things, and beliefs of ourselves make us feel vulnerable and when they fail to meet our expectations this can trigger a powerful reaction in us. However, the more peaceful we become the less we are dependent on others to help us feel good about ourselves. The less needy we are for others to make us feel whole, the more appealing we become. What others do and say is only important to the ego which thrives on insecurity; then it reacts with power attempting to get its needs met.

Whatever is happening through us and in us from day to day is exactly what needs to be happening for our evolution and when we release ourselves from our ego driven identity we experience ourselves as an expression of our true nature; going with the flow of the universe and trusting its divine order for our highest good.

"Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results because there follows immediate peace." -Bhagavad Gita


Kristal Hunter